A downloadable game

This project is a gameplay demo that includes certain mechanics:

- A controllable character with a third person camera (and camera occlusion).

- Collectable power-ups such as a speed boost and double jump.

- An interactable door with switch and cutscene.

- Moving Platforms.

- A simple Enemy with Idle, Chase and Attack States.

The demo is made without the use of external Unity plug-ins such as Cinemachine. It is also made using the Unity Input System and can be played with either Keyboard and mouse or Controller.

Keyboard Controls:

- Movement: WASD.

- Jump: Space.

- Attack: Right Mouse Button.

- Lock On to Enemy: Shift.

- Interact (with door switch): Middle Mouse.

Controller Controls:

- Movement: Left Stick.

- Jump: South Button (X).

- Attack: West Button (Square)

- Lock On to Enemy: Right Stick Press.

- Interact (with door switch): North Button (Triangle).

Thanks for playing!

Published 1 day ago


ThirdPersonSandbox.zip 28 MB